Get ready for the December NAHJ Region 5 conference “Voces Unidas” in downtown Dallas. Meet recruiters, local news managers and national news correspondents, producers and executives. Univision’s Maria Antonieta Collins , CNN’s Ramon Escobar and ABC/Fusion’s Jim Avila plan to be at the conference.
The conference starts on Friday, December 6 with an opening reception at the Fairmont Dallas. On Saturday, December 7 expect a packed day of informative panels with some of the best experts in journalism.
Hispanic Communicators DFW is taking a lead role in planning the #NAHJReg5 conference.
You can only register on-site at the Fairmont Hotel.
- $50 for members, $25 for student members
- $60 for non-members, $30 for student non-members
Register now and take advantage of our early-bird registration going on until Friday, Nov. 15 – Register here for #NAHJReg5
Friday, December 6, 2013 – 7-9 p.m.

Opening Reception – Fountain Room, Terrace Level, North Tower
The Fairmont Dallas, 1717 N. Akard Street, Dallas, TX 75201
Saturday, December 7, 2013 – 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Location: The Fairmont Dallas
8 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast

Reaching Young Latinos 8:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
How do you get the attention of young Latinos when studies show many are not reading a newspaper or watching the evening news? Find out how journalists are effectively reaching the younger generation with innovative ideas and digital tools.
Moderator: Jim Avila, Senior National correspondent, ABC News & White House Correspondent, Fusion
- Alfredo Carbajal – Managing Editor, Al Dia
- Marisa Treviño – Publisher/Editor,
- Doug Mitchell – Consultant/Project Manager, NPR
9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. – Recruiting Sessions/Resume and Work Critiques
Recruiters and industry veterans will hold scheduled, 15-minute one-on-one sessions with attendees. They’ll provide advice, critique work samples and interview for existing and future employment opportunities. Sign up – More
9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. – The Producer’s Challenge

(Application/Selection process involved) This interactive, daylong session is designed to assist participants in becoming better writers, producers and managers. It will include in-depth examination of submitted newscasts, discussions on how to prepare for advancement from producer to executive producer, how to have difficult conversations and general networking tips. Leaders from the broadcast news industry will join as special guests to provide their insights.
For application and more detailed information>>Application process starts here
Presenter: Ramon Escobar, Vice President, Talent Recruitment & Development, CNN
MORNING BREAK OUT SESSIONS 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

How to Find Stories and Sources
Stories and sources are our bread and butter in journalism. How do you find the stories no one else has uncovered? How do you build on your list of sources? This panel will leave you with the right tools to become the reporter “breaking stories” in your newsroom whether you work in print, online or broadcasting.
Moderator: Ken Molestina – Reporter, WUSA-TV (Washington D.C.)
- Lydia Pantazes – Reporter, KEYE-TV (Austin)
- Eva-Marie Ayala – Reporter, Dallas Morning News
- John Salazar – Reporter, YNN (Austin)
- Antonio Guillén – Anchor, KWEX-TV ( San Antonio)
Beat Reporting

Want to distinguish yourself as a journalist? Consider specializing in a particular field! Executives in several industries that are adding to the global economy will share their insights on developing relationships between media and corporations. Get tips on how to create stories on topics that directly impact your audience.
Moderator: Maclovio Perez, KRIS-TV
- James Bell – Head of Consumer Affairs, General Motors,
- María Cristina Osorio – Director, International Communications, Latin America & the U.S. Latino Market, United Airlines
- Crayton Webb – Director of Corporate Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility, Mary Kay Inc.
LUNCHEON DISCUSSION – 12 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Open Mic – Usa tu Voz

Here’s your opportunity to ask the decision makers industry-related questions. This will be a fun, fast, interactive Q&A luncheon. Questions may include: You encourage staff to tweet and post, but do you give them guidelines? Do you wonder if you can get in trouble or fired for what you tweet? How has social media changed the way you cover news? Why are we seeing younger, cheaper journalists in the DFW market? Is print a dying medium?
Moderator: Gloria Campos – Anchor, WFAA-TV
- Carolyn Mungo – News Director, WFAA-TV
- Adrienne Roark – News Director, CBS 11 News
- Gayle Reaves – Pulitzer Prize winner and FW Weekly Editor
- Alfredo Sanchez – Executive Producer/Managing Editor, Telemundo 39
- Bob Mong – Editor, Dallas Morning News
AFTERNOON BREAKOUT SESSIONS – 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
VJ’s, A Step Above

It’s no secret more markets are looking for VJ’s. Yes, even those in the top ten. So how do you make yourself stand out? What exactly are news directors looking for? Get great tips from some of the experts. This is a session students and recent graduates won’t want to miss.
Moderator: Scott Gordon– Reporter, NBC5
- Doug Magditch – MMJ, CW33
- Fernando Mejia – VJ, Telemundo 39
- Yezmin Thomas – VJ, Telemundo 39
- Eden Soto Alva – VJ, Univision 23
Switching Gears

Perhaps you’ve thought about leaving the news business to go into public relations. Does it really offer better pay and better hours? How do you make the switch? Hear from those who have successfully made the transition from news to PR.
Moderator: Pio Del Castillo, Mary Kay Inc, Corporate Communications Mgr.
- Jennifer Chamberlain – Content and PR Specialist, Jackson Walker LLP (former reporter)
- Gloria Hernandez – Corporate Communications & Marketing, HD Vest Financial Services (former reporter)
- Jeff Crilley – Owner, Real News PR (former reporter)
- Andrea Burnett – Manager of Media and Community Relations, Bickel & Brewer (former reporter)
Afternoon Breakout Sessions – 3 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
The Tech Savvy Journalist

These days we need to know more than how to shoot, write and edit. We need to be tech savvy when it comes to digital and social media as well. We’re talking blogs, websites and moving beyond Facebook and Twitter. Learn from top “techies” about the latest and greatest tools to help you tell your story, broaden your audience and stay organized. Learn how to do the most with tools in your pocket.
Moderator: Rebecca Aguilar, Freelance Online & TV Reporter
- Teevee Aguirre – Owner, Dallas Marketing Rockstar
- Michael Vega – Outreach Coordinator City of Fort Worth
- Ray Ruiz – President, El Gato Media Network (Houston)
- Mo Krochmal – Executive Editor, Social Media News NY
Redacción en español: Errores, “horrores” y soluciones.(Spanish-language session)

Este taller proveerá las herramientas necesarias para lograr una redacción correcta y sencilla en español. Un panel de reconocidos periodistas compartirá ejemplos de los errores y horrores de redacción que se ven con mas frecuencia en los noticieros y periódicos en español. Será una sesión de aprendizaje con una dosis de buen humor.
This workshop will provide the tools to improve news writing in Spanish. A panel of seasoned journalists will share real life examples of the most common mistakes. It will be a fun and informative.
Moderator: Norma García– Anchor/Reporter, Telemundo 39
- Carlos Támez– Former Dallas News Director
- Jay Torres – Reporter, La Estrella (Fort Worth)
- Juan Carlos Pinzón – Executive Producer, Telemundo 39
- Julián Rodríguez– Lecturer, UT-Arlington
- José Luis Castillo – Executive Editor, SemanaNews (Houston)
CLOSING SESSION – 4:30 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Reboot, Re-invent, Re-energize your Career

Whether you’ve been in the news business a few years or a couple of decades, we all need to reboot and re-energize. Sometimes we have to re-event ourselves to find a new job. How do you make this happen? How do we keep our talent fresh and keep our minds excited about what we’re doing? Our panel of professionals have the right advice for you.
Moderator/Speaker: Maria Antonieta Collins – Univision anchor/correspondent
- Ed Bark – Publisher/blogger,, former Dallas Morning News Media Critic
- Dora Valdez – Senior PR Supervisor at iNSPIRE!
- Margie Aguilar – President/Producer of ISP Studios
- Stella Chavez – Reporter/blogger, KERA Public Radio, former Dallas Morning News reporter
- Maclovio Perez – Meteorologist, KRIS-TV ( Corpus Christi), former PIO and Communications Manager
The rate at the Fairmont Dallas is $149 a night plus tax. Follow this link for reservations:
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