Thank you to everyone who voted on October 9, 2013 in the election of board members for the Hispanic Communicators. Thirty members voted and there was a tie in one race.
Here are the members of your new board. They were serve for two years.
- President: Saul Garza, Fox 4
- Vice President-Journalism: Cynthia Lyons Garcia, KNBC 5
- Vice President-General: Karina Ramirez, El Hispano News
- Social Media Manager-Teevee Aguirre, Dallas Marketing Rockstar
- Secretary/Treasure–Irene Zucker, VerbaCom® Executive Development
- Financial Officer–Elena Cortez (no photo available)
We will update this page as soon as a board member is chosen for the Spanish Language At-Large. Norma Garcia (Telemundo 39) and Pio Del Castillo (Mary Kay, Inc) each received 15 votes.