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Join us for a plenary session and workshops on Saturday, March 23 at the University of Texas at Arlington.
Location: Fine Arts Building, Room 258, UTA
Registration on-site: 9-9:30 a.m.
Opening Remarks
9:30-9:40 a.m.—Saul Garza, Fox 4 and President of Hispanic Communicators DFW
Covering the Community: Contrast in Coverage
Plenary session | 9:40 – 10:40 a.m.
The Latino population is a fast-growing, and vital segment of our audience, but English and Spanish-language media cover Hispanics in different ways. Why and who decides what gets covered? Is there a way English and Spanish media can work together for the benefit of our community.
Moderator: Norma Garcia, Telemundo 39
- Julian Rodriguez, UT Arlington
- Cheri Garcia, former assignment at KTVT, Channel 11
- Jose Flores, Telemundo 39
- Carlos Tamez, Univision 23
The 10 Commandments of the PIO
10:50 – 11:50 a.m.
You’ve seen public information officers at major news stories surrounded by reporters. They’re the ones we count on when we need information right away. Some will call you back only during office hours, others are available 24/7. How can we in the media and the PIOs work together to get our jobs done on deadline? This is your chance to ask them directly. Also, find out what they expect from us.
Moderator: Saul Garza, Fox 4
- Carmen Castro, Dallas County Sheriff Department
- Gerardo Montreal, Dallas Police Department
- Jose Luis Torres, City of Dallas
- Joe Harn, Garland Police Department
Open Discussion/ Box Lunch
Noon -12:50 p.m.
Grab your box lunch and join a informal roundtable where different topics will be discussed. No topic is off limits: salaries, hiring practices, media trends, what we say and do on television and radio.
Moderator: Jay Torres, La Estrella
- Gonzalo Aguilera, Servicios Hispanos Unidos
- Baltazar Ortega, Liberman Broadcasting Inc.
- Claudia Torrescano, Instituto de la Mujer and former host of La Voz del Pueblo
- Paul Watler, media attorney with the Jackson Walker LLP

Getting the Spanish language Audience Through Social Media
1- 2 p.m.
Studies show Latinos are the biggest users of social media. Whether you work in Spanish or English language media, we all want more viewers on our website. We want more followers on Twitter, and fans on Facebook. Learn from the experts on how to reach the Spanish-speaking and bilingual audience even if you don’t speak Spanish.
Moderator: Rebecca Aguilar, NAHJ VP of Online
- Teevee Aguirre, Dallas Marketing Rockstar
- Michael Vega, Public Information Officer, City of Fort Worth
- Frankie De Soto, SEO Analyst & Blogger on Online Hispanic Marketing
- Amoya Edwards – Public Relations Account Executive
Closing Remarks
2-2:10pm–Closing remarks by Saul Garza, Fox 4President of Hispanic Communicators DFW
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