August 16, 2014 Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes
August 16, 2014
Café Brazil, Bishops Arts, 10 a.m.

1. Welcome – Meeting started at 10:30 a.m. 8/16/14 with the following BODs present:
Teevee Aguirre, Irene Zucker, Saul Garza, Magda Salazar, Norma Garcia, Eva Marie, and Tamara Gonzalez, Guest.

2. Financial Report – Presented by Saul, motion to approve by Irene, seconded by Magda, and approved unanimously.

3. Membership
Consensus that we all need to do a better job in promoting HCom to increase memberships. TeeVee: getting traffic, spikes w/information, publicity. Need to assign to individuals to post in WordPress. We need to do a better job to get people to join and publicize. Most of visibility comes from FB. There has been a spike recently. We are doing well but need more content. Search for brand awareness has grown. Saul: brought up that it’s posted on FB but doesn’t go to website. Is there an easy way to do it. Discussion. EM: We need to be more “out there” with both FB and Website. Magda: Is there a check list for members? TeeVee: Google Plus has a good program but we don’t have the manpower. TeeVee also suggested we use a Photocam.

4. Old Business
a. DMA meeting – Donation $2K
b. Lunch with Celebs – Dr. Alameel is a go.

5. New Business
a. A. Scholarship campaign Sept. Saul: working on letters
b. Mixer at Dallas Palms – Sept. 13th – Tamara Gonzalez, from Dallas Palms made a short presentation regarding co-sponsoring out Mixer. Irene and Magda volunteered to be on that committee to make it happen. Tamara would contact Irene and Magda.
c. NHAJ Convention Expenses for board members – discussion. Good idea.

6. Other business
a. Texas Trocas Premiere – Consensus was that we should attend.
b. Tours of Stations – Norma: could have a tour but can’t hold a meeting there.
c. ATT Stadium, Hispanic Business Salute. Saul will send a reminder.

7. Meeting Adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

Prepared by:
Irene Zucker,

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